U.S. Politics

My only hope is, that, as those Trump apologists say, this ‘shakes things up’, but of course exactly in the opposite way they are thinking, ie, 4 years of Trump shames and disgusts Americans to the core enough that they come out and vote for a candidate something like a younger (and even more socialist if possible) Bernie in 4 years.

America desperately needs with becoming more socialist. It’s a problem when the most powerful country in the world has this kind of ingrained, false belief that socialism is come kind of bad word, and believes so strongly in libertarianism, when it is so big and so full of uniquely ignorant/backward-minded people that libertarianism makes it a very, very dangerous country.


But how would it shake things up? Trump is pretty much the embodiement of the 1%, the american people gave their middle finger. He is not going to work against people with whom he is probably be involved business-wise.

Of course, it’s utter nonsense. But that’s what Trump apologists spout, because he’s ‘not part of the political establishment’.


I think the only way he can “shake up” politics is if he fucks up so much that people are crying out for “the establishment” again in 4 years time to make them feel safe. I highly doubt he’ll bring about such fundamental positive change that people start to adore him for it and if he’s just another business as usual president then people will get over their revolutionary ideas.

He should do what he has done for his businesses.

Step aside & let people with brains do the work.
He is their to be the face of all the work, nothing else.

If he is made to use his brains, well then I hope there is a God & he decides to spare humans.

I think little will change. Western Governments are incredibly good at making important decisions as slowly and indecisively as possible. Murica included.

It’s far far worse than May in reality. How about civil rights abuses against Hispanics, Muslims and who knows who else. Has May ever taken an advert out in the newspaper claiming for 5 accused and cleared black men to be strung up?

Trump will quickly do away with Obamacare, Republicans want to ban abortions and now they can, hard right wingers will be appointed heads of the supreme court. He’s going to lower taxes to, so public spending/government will have to be curtailed. I can imagine they’ll also be removing/reducing medicade/medicare, health provision for older people/kids. Talk of death penalty being re-introduced in some states.

BTW I’m not sure Bernie would have won. He would of been painted as a loony lefty. The British/American media are dedicated of destroying the image of the left.


ISIS, Al-Queda, The Taliban etc must literally laughing their bombs off. They dont have to do anything anymore as they sit back and watch the Western world implode on itself.

I know polling has been a bit discredited in recent years, but there was a lot of stuff at the time of the primaries indicating that Bernie would do much better against Trump than Hillary would have.

Bernie’s kinda bombastic, uncoached style and outsider status would have negated a lot of what made Trump such a popular option imo.


That is true, but the polls don’t seem believable anymore like you say. Hillary was up against Trump from start to finish.

I know I made this joke, but fucking Gold-digger as first lady makes me laugh.

Such an inspiration.
Mums to their girls - “Look child, if you blow the right person, you might end up being first lady. Possibilities are endless”


And fucking hell the circumstances are perfect.
There was a possibility of America having first woman president.
Candidate was hard working experienced politician who represents modern carrier oriented females, against a man wanting to grab women by their pussies.

What happened?
Most decorated position allotted to a woman in this whole process goes to a lady with all the opposite virtues.
In a way Patriarchy won. Lmao.

For everyone asking how this could happen, here’s an explanation.

This political scientist has a model that has predicted every election since 1996, and would have predicted every election since 1912, bar one in 1960. A lot of it has to do with the incumbent party and people just wanting change in general. Not really a surprise when you look at it that way.

Pretty much reinforces what I say about the nation need to become more socialist. It’s not even like the democracy works in the idealistic way it’s supposed to, it only just happens to give too much power to a majority idiot populace for general elections.

It’s the most basic psychology on a mass scale: democratic president? Give me a republican one. Republican president? I’ll have a democrat. Black president? Fuck that, give me a racist white one. And on and on it goes.

I can’t wait for him to start keeping all the idiotic promises he made.

When is he going to start building the wall between Mexico and America?

If you vote for a proven liar, then don’t start complaining when he doesn’t keep his promises.

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Many poor people are truly in favour of neoliberalism, tbf. They don’t want government to take their money away from them.

I don’t believe either Hillary or Trump’s scandals, corruption, discrimination or any other controversial issue related to them had any real effect on this election. As big as all that is, I don’t think it has anywhere near the kind of influence on voters as the simple desire for radical overnight change vs the same old. And the people took the turd sandwich and ran with it. It’s similar with Brexit really. If Bernie was running he also offered major change and therefore would have stood a far greater chance than Hillary I believe. Trump actually did quite well with college educated women and ethnic minorities. I just don’t think his slights cost him much at all because he tapped into the perfect storm of disgust and created a lot of fear and emotion.

I can see where you’re coming from, but tbh, it seemed like Hillary had it well won according to most data after the debates, the Comey announcement was pretty decisive.

That’s true @Luca_from_Italy but that’s what the government is for. To set up the conditions for people who need help, and who aren’t necessarily going to look at things in a systematic, analytical fashion.

So Hillary won the popular vote yet still lost the election. I’m not that knowledgeable of the America system but surely that brings the electoral college into question.

Some of the stats coming out are more worrying than interesting, there was only a 53.1% turnout…
That’s very worrying for the future of elections if o e that was so hotly charged and important barely registered over 50% turnout.

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