(Spoilers) House of the Dragon/Game of Thrones

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Episode 4 is :fire::fire::fire::fire::fire::fire::fire::fire::fire:

Jon and Daenerys are definitely going to fuck sooner than later right?


Shit forgot there was an early release of this, go back firefox go back damn you.

The quality sucks though.

can we avoid spoilers until Monday night if poss? or should I just avoid the thread

If you are prepared to watch a shit version, rather than wait 4 days. You have issues.

I like OA being my one safe space from GoT spoilers.

Iā€™m already considering avoiding social media until Monday evening now.

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I really donā€™t get this. People always asking not for spoilers at all cost, but still choose to actually click on the thread of the series. Why is that? Just donā€™t click on the thread and youā€™re assured of avoiding spoilers 100%. At least on the forum :sweat_smile:.

Tbh mate I doubt half the people clicking had any idea this was about an episode that shouldnā€™t even be out. For all we know itā€™s just a funny meme or general chat about the show so far.

I was just speaking more in general. Because I read this a lot also on other forums.

because @JakeyBoy and I want to read and discuss the damn thing thats why!

Also Sir Jake, havenā€™t ignored you, just havenā€™t got time to respond properly. :slight_smile: will do before next episode.

Twitter is a nightmare - Just had E04 spoiled smh

Mate I would if I was you, itā€™s an emotional roller coaster and hands down one of the best episodes Iā€™ve seen.

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How shit is the quality? I might need to watch it if itā€™s passable

Opinions differ but I think itā€™s passable. A little worse than HDrip movies imo, if that says anything to you.

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Turn off social media, and wait

Or just watch it again like Iā€™m going to do :smile:.

but I need memes.