(Spoilers) House of the Dragon/Game of Thrones

I haven’t watched the LOTR films because I was committed to reading the books first. I’ve got half way through The Fellowship of the Ring three times and quit at that point each time. Just found it unbearably boring.

Time to just give up on this notion and watch the films.


Don’t bother they are long and boring too

I actually think the film’s are thoroughly enjoyable. It’s not a bad compromise given the exhausting nature of the books.

Watch the director’s cut if you want to keep some of that authentic tedium :joy:

Got a day on the sofa tomorrow nursing a 2 day hangover, looks like thats me set!

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I feel like LoTR’s lore is an element, for me, that makes it so endearing. Tolkien made a world within a world and detailed it so much I feel it’s a book that has to sit with you for a time to let that world sink in truly. The Silmarillion pairs so well with the trilogy + The Hobbit, ties up backstories and delves even deeper within the lores of the different species. Christopher Lee read it every year ritualistically haha. Sam is a don, dwarves are awesome, Norse mythology is lush and I dream of living somewhere like The Shire or Rivendell :cristo:

Love both series in their own right and hate comparing them innit.

PS, both the books and films of Harry Potter are the best.

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S07E03 :fire: :fire: :fire:


They really do love wasting money on their CGI and large scale warfare budget. I’ve seen better from History channel reconstructions.

Saying that last weeks naval battle was on point.

That episode was fucking superb.

Needed more Ed Sheeran.


So what happens now? The unsullied are in Cersis castle with no army to stop them right?

Got to rate Tyrion for building himself a ho-door into Casterly Rock


Very JFK.

@JakeyBoy at first glance I didn’t see what you did there and thought it was rather unbefitting your personality lol.


I mean, I don’t go around calling women hoes, but for the sake of a joke (which I admittedly read elsewhere), I don’t think the word crosses the line of acceptability/unacceptability lol

Hey bro, how u been?

Alright, long story love, maybe another time. By the way do you remember the night you first got raped? I just wanted you to know that I was there, and I watched it all. You were hot in that dress tho.


He could have picked an example that wasn’t quite so close to the bone haha

@JakeyBoy LOL. Bravo.

Yeh I figured, it was far too witty and misogynistic for you.

So, that was all utterly amazing. Ice and fire together at last. So much to think about!

I’m not sure why people seem to think that episode was anything special?

The early interaction between the King and Queen was certainly interesting but after that it descended into garbage. I felt like I was watching that God awful Kign Arthur film when I seen Tyrion visualize a scenario that wasn’t actually happening.