US Police and Black People

The mighty authoritarian :rofl:

Rather that than the parent who prays that this is not the last time he sees his child alive, each time he drops his kid to school.

20 years for possession, would be a serious deterant.

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Life imprisonment for murder yet people still murder; prison doesnā€™t really deter people from doing illegal things.

Prove that happens?

Except it does and if they do illegal things and get caught they goto prison. The murder rate is far higher in America solely because of guns

Children are actually coached what to do if a gunman enters the school. Think about how insane that is for a minute

Iā€™ve got a link to the rise in knife crime but not by age of the victim; however in London the victims are between 14-30 with the occasional 10-13 year old

The spike coincides with gun incidents on a large scale, from own your graph it shows that it decreases shortly after.

I proved that parents are highly concerned about their child safety as you requested.

What sort of society is this when you have to have a drill for a fake shooting and kids are trained to hide themselves to save their lives?
I never once did that or ever even contemplated that it could be a possibility that I could be shot on streets let alone in a school.

Also it fear so it isnā€™t only gun but other things.

Columbine happened when I was in high school. It led to lots of issues. We had bomb threats called in, all fake, but taken seriously. We had evacuations because of them. We also had gang violence, but mostly outside the school, so we would go into lockdown and couldnā€™t leave our classroom.

When Santee happened, I just moved to Lakeside, CA. I passed that school on my way to work everyday as it was just down the road. It was too crazy.

Iā€™m so glad I no longer live in the US and that Iā€™m not raising my son there. I have no plans to move back ever. Much prefer the UK. Would consider a few other countries as well. Only way I head back to North America is if Iā€™m settling in Canada.


Nobody is saying it stops people getting illegal guns full stop, but that it makes it harder.

If that isnā€™t true, why is there less gun crime in countries that have more gun control than the US? Thereā€™s a clear correlation.

I canā€™t even relate, must be shit scary.

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Exactly, youā€™ll never stop gun crime completely, but implementing more control would help to reduce the number of people killed by guns.

One of the most ridiculous things is how someone can be on the no fly list but can buy a gun. This came up a few years back and the Rep were completely against it. Simply put, if someone is so much of a concern that he/she isnā€™t allowed to fly, why in the hell would you want them be able to have a gun?

No it shows gun controls mainly effects the acquisition of legal guns, does it stop people getting illegal guns? Thatā€™s a no. We had 0ver 9,000 offences last year.

To say the least. It was normal for me to hear gun shots and sirens when going to bed. I also lived in the worst part of the city. It was a lovely Polish immigrant neighbourhood when I was little, always playing in the streets. We knew everyone. But slowly we had gangs and drug dealers moving down from NYC. You could buy a house for $10k. It al went downhill from there.

After I got out of the Navy as well, I returned to my home town and had a shootout in front of my car. Madness. My family is still in that area, but all outside the city now. We all avoid driving through the city these days.

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Btw @Trion you poll stipulates people are getting less worried then usual from an incident.

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