
Do we have any ladies on here to put their two cents in on this abortion talk?

I vasectome is basically a pre emptive male abortion though isn’t it?

Indeed, I’ve read and discovered all about Myron Ebell.

There are so many reasons why a Trump presidency will be awful for the majority of people, this is the one I fear the most.

Trump before the election

Trump after the election


This actually makes me think Trump really care a about the people of this country tbh. Obacare and universal healthcare for all is such a beautiful idea. However the way it was implemented in Obamacare is actually a drain on the middle class, and it’s puting insurance companies out of business. It simply doesn’t work the way it is. In the article, Trump says he likes the two best parts of obamacare. Which one is providing for preexisting conditions, and two having older children remain on their parents insurance. If he can fix the soaring premiums, it’s not such a terrible plan. Also I like that he’s listening to more experienced people.


I am sorry did I say men should force women to have an abortion?

I simply stated fact that a woman can chose whether or not she has a child with or without the man wanting it; a man has no choice it can be forced on him. Now I simply stated the system should be reformed to so that men who did not want that said child should not be penalised in a monetary fashion or other for what she does with her body, the man has already stated he doesn’t want it and she knows this; when she doesn’t want it she goes to clinic takes a pill or the Fetus Gets scrambled and hovered out.

By your logic a man has no right to choose because that choice has been made for him regardless.

This is what I’m getting at @mhappy

What say do you think a man should have in it? Both parents need to agree for a baby to be born. So if the man doesn’t want the baby the woman is forced to have an abortion? Or men get to have a “financial abortion”, which leads to loads of cunt blokes irresposibly leaving women to entirely cope with the burden of raising a child.

I hate to get into the realms of anecdotal evidence but I’ve managed to not get anyone pregnant (insert joke about that being easy when you never have sex) and it wasn’t particularly difficult. All you need to do is take a bit of personal responsibility for contraception and not have sex with twats (insert anal joke).

At the end of the day, women are the ones who are burdened by all of the difficulty of child birth, it isn’t us who have to carry the child and go through the excruciating pain of giving birth to it, so to me it only makes sense that most of the key decisions surrounding pregnancy in the end are up to the woman.

Apologies if I’ve sounded combative about the issue but your posts came across as being pretty misogynistic and that riles me a bit.


Small wonder you never got anyone pregnant. :iwobi:


You fail to grasp the fact that all we are saying is the man has no choice in the matter.

If a woman gets pregnant and it’s unwanted by her she gets rid of it even if the guy says let’s keep it we raise it I’ve got money etc, but you flip the script and a guys no I am not ready to a father I am not in that place; she can decide to keep it and force upon him and if he doesn’t accept that burden she can take punitive action.

Now all I am saying and most of my female friends agree on this, the judicial system should be reformed to take this in to account; if you decide to bring a child in to this world against someone’s wishes a woman shouldn’t be allowed to force the man to be father. This isn’t about forcing woman to have abortion that’s unethical as is forcing men to be dads against the wishes.

None of this is misogynistic at all, it’s fair the definition of creating an equality with this gender bias system. Guys like who scream misogynists when a guy calls for equality in areas woman have an unfair advantage, to argue other wise is misandry.

So you basically think that men should be able to forego all responsibility for children that are theirs? No financial support whatsoever? Men can fuck however recklessly they want to and leave countless amounts of single mothers all over the place?

I just want to be clear about what it is you are actually proposing.

I do understand what you are saying about it being unequal, I don’t deny it is unequal. What you have ignored twice is my point that pregnancy is completely unequal in the first place, women are saddled with almost the entire burden of pregnancy so it naturally follows that they get a greater say about what happens. I don’t have a problem with that really.


He’s like Berlusconi. He promises one thing, then he does another thing.

Did you just ignore the word choice; a woman wouldn’t be a single mother if she chooses to get rid of foetus.

Nobody saying single mothers that’s your own input right there; we are talking at the point of conception a woman can decide to keep or get rid if she wants to, no a man can’t and can be forced to be a dad even if he is against it from the off set. This very simple; if man agrees to have a child and leaves then yeah it’s fair for the woman to seek legal intervention for financial aid etc; if a guys says no from the beginning and the woman decides to have the child how is it alright for her to after that man.

And mate stop spitting the feminine narrative of men being sex predators with lack of responsibilities; because both parties are being irresponsible, this isn’t a gender thing single mothers and fucking it’s a people.thing

define the beginning.


You made it a gender thing from your very first post lol

Anyway this is really off topic and we aren’t even having a particularly good debate are we? If you want to continue maybe we’ll move these posts to a new thread, leaving this one for its intended purpose.

Conception which I said within the body of text

Actually my first was saying what’s wrong with paying for abortions; which can do two things make woman more responsible for their bodies during sex, because let’s face it men aren’t having sex with themselves so they shouldn’t be the only responsible party. The other is increase the population :joy:.

People that didn’t agre made this in to a gender issue placing men in a bad light; my responses were to highlight that bias and call out misandry.

Well, neither party tends to know when conception happens so unless you’re stating it as you’re pulling down your pants I think you’re too late.

I guess as soon as a man mounts a woman, as long as he repeats the word no. A verbal contract of sorts?

Wait fuck it. Maybe what we as men need are written contracts signed and dated, pre dick.

Are you saying a woman only knows she is pregnant when she is ready to give birth? And what is meant by conception is as soon as you find out.