
Bush in Florida for instance.

Those cheeky Republicans.

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Yes that’s the point I’m making. Taxes are a part of it but obamacare is another big piece of the puzzle. Basically small business owners and the middle class have been under attack and Trump appeals to them. [quote=“morrisc311, post:30, topic:894, full:true”]

Syria = ally of Russia = want Trump
Business owners = immediate 20% bottom line improvement due to Trump tax cuts

Syrians have no loyalty to Russia. Russia had never really had much business with Syria until the they were under threat of being overthrown by American backed rebels. These Syrian people still have plenty of relatives there, and they have seen first hand how the Obama/Clinton administration lie and use underhanded means to further their political agendas…to the detriment of the Syrian people.

Taxes are a part of it, but overall the middle class is under attack. Keep in mind these are business owners who put in 17 hour days and then see first hand how certain people completely take advantage of the welfare that democrats are known for so freely doling out.

Just my two cents on the abortion argument. I was taught in a hardcore christian family (not a practicer anymore for the record) that you abstain from sex until marriage. Obviously that’s the only way to prevent unwanted pregnancies 1,000%. I actually didn’t follow that advice, and fortunately I was in a situation to provide for the life I had helped create. Now that kid chants “Arsenal, Arsenal!” With me at 7am on the weekends :blush: If you are going to be so irresponsible when engaging in that act (obviously there are other circumstances) you need to wear it when it comes back to bite you in the ass. Terminating a living thing, that has a developing heart, and brain after about a month IMO isn’t the answer. Not being able to provide for a child is a different story, but there are a lot of people out there who can’t have kids that want them. There’s got to be a better way.

Apparantly he said the media are responsible and are putting people up to the protest. A quote which could come directly from Putin’s playbook.

It’s madness Donald Trump is going to be the POTUS.

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The same businesses that Trump put out of business by not paying his bills to them and going bankrupt six times so they couldn’t get money he owed them, he even bragged about it, so he doesn’t care that much.

Trump doesn’t care about small business, even less the working class.
He uses people to make money for him while paying them as little as possible.

How are small business owners going to be better off?

I’ve always been self employed, and I’ve never been any better off under a right wing Tory government, even though they always tell people like me that we are.


He’s gonna jail journalists like Putin does.

I feel like @mhappy might have been onto something, but I really struggled to understand it at all.

Mind rehashing that whole argument into say, five words or fewer so I can digest the message?


Men should be able to have abortions too??


I love it. Trump; over to you.

Men have rights to :arteta:

You can get a vasectomy if your that against having a child but if you get a girl pregnant that child is your responsibility if she decides to keep it

Apparently only men, have no choice when it comes to children! Women have all the choice :facepalm:

These warp ideals is the reason men continue to suffer.

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I’m not entirely opposed to the idea of a financial abortion from a male perspective, but that’s a whole other thread in itself.

I have thoroughly enjoyed the Facebook meltdown though. So many overreactions about how scared people are.


Are you the one who has to carry it around for nine months and completely change your diet, habits and lifestyle during that period? Are you the one who has to excruciatingly squeeze it out of a tiny hole that will likely rip itself into pieces in order to accommodate the creature’s big head?

What the fuck are you actually proposing? That men should be able to overrule a woman when it comes to abortion? That if you don’t want a baby you should be able to force a woman not to have it? It’s her body. It’s her choice whether to have a baby.

If a man feels so strongly about it then perhaps he should take more responsibility when it comes to contraception. Though from the way you talk I bet you’re one of those blokes who refuse to wear condoms lol


Really worried one of the first targets in the Trump crosshair is going to be the Paris accord. All that work for this cuntknuckle to derail it, it’s unbearable.

The gun laws are there to remain for at least another decade since Trump is pro guns.

Right if I am understanding it correctly. As contraceptives aren’t 100% reliable, a man should be able to have a legitimate say in abortion, just as a woman does? I.e. a baby should only be born if both parents agree to it, it shouldn’t hinge entirely on what women decide?


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no i think what is being said is why should a man after sayin does not want a baby be forced to pay for a child he does not want. A woman can do this and the law will be on her said do you think that it’s fair? Because in my eyes it’s not why should i pay for a child i did not want that you wanted to keep dispite my obejection? Wether or not two concenting adults use contrception or not is not the debate because thats up to them. No person should have something forced on them that did not want period. yes it’s they body and they can do what they like but in the same vain why force it upon a man that stated at the start they don’t want it? why not have your child and carry on?

This, by the way, is the cunt-in-chief who’s going to be paid for by the American taxpayer to torpedo any climate agreements as head of the EPA.

Yep @Robin_L, Trump’s environmental politics is gonna be absolutely dangerous because it affects the whole world. Carbon and oil are just past it these days.