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I’ve said it pretty much everytime I’ve flew with them :grinning:

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I’ve flown with them like 30 round trips (mostly Dublin - Gatwick) and I’ve honestly never had a fault :slight_smile:

Ahh honestly when things go smooth they’re so worth it. The prices are so good plus it’s really good if you only have hand luggage.

I’ve flown with them regularly for about 2 years now and issues have only ever really been external (my family joke about my bad luck with these things :grin:). Their responses to anything that comes up is usually pretty awful though, that’s the most annoying thing for me :disappointed:

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Norwegian are hands down the best low budget carrier around. Free WiFi on their flights, nice new planes, amazing prices, can fly you to New York or Florida from London for a couple hundred quid, beautiful stewardesses. They’ve got everything.

They are almost always delayed, that’s the only issue.

My flight to Vegas with them was a disaster. Late, they messed up my food order (I ended up having to pay for food on flight because apparently I didn’t make an order even though I did) and no Wifi (the one thing I was looking forward to most lol).

and they charge quite a lot for hold luggage. Still some budget carriers around that don’t, so they get higher marks than Norwegian imo

Ahhh that’s a shame. My flight to Florida with them was great. Good food, on time, pretty comfortable seats. The couple next to me had trouble with their food order as well so maybe they need to work on making that more efficient.

No wifi on the long haul flights yet, but they’re working on implementing that I think.

Earthquake in Mexico City, they just can’t get a break.

Edit: fixing the link

Way more than 5 dead. Some of the wives family is there. Trying to contact them, no luck yet.

Shit, man. Hope they turn up safe and sound. :+1:


Yeah I was gonna say I heard it was only a 7.1, but looks like it’s been updated there. Still 7.1 is fucking massive. That’s small potato’s to you Chileans I know, but for us over here that’s huge. Biggest in California that we’ve had in a long time was like 6.6 and that knocked down a lot of apartments and freeways back in 96’ I think it was. So I could only imagine the devastation a 7.1 can do.

Doesn’t help that Mexico City was built upon a former lake, that type of soil will just liquify and I doubt building codes are strictly followed by all real estate developers.

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Any news on your wife’s relatives @BigWeng_4LYFE ?

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Is this the 21st century Rajoy? :neutral_face:

Yeah good news. They were all accounted for thankfully. We were mostly worried about her aunt, who they couldn’t reach for hours. Turned out she was in the hospital, she’d been struck with debris, but it wasn’t anything too serious. Still from what they told us it was a really scary event.


Can we call it fascism?

Scum. Enjoy jail


Pointon broke down in tears and asked if she could drop the charges when her account was challenged by police

“She said her hopes of becoming a police officer were now ruined.”

False rape allegations are disgusting. They can potentially ruin a person’s life, in this case the only life she ruined was her own. I’m glad she got punished.

She wanted to be a police officer, she should’ve known that false rape allegations are illegal.

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I’m glad she is punished but religion needs to go. Unless he refused the note because it was really, really dirty.

Taxi driver is under no obligation to accept her money if it doesn’t meet his own standards. It’s got nothing to do with religion.