Donations gratefully received

Go on then I’ve chucked in a £2 a month subscription.

I’d have only given it to WaterAid or UNICEF anyway and what have they ever done for me?


Good idea @Craigie. I’m gonna do the same.

Done the same, £2 per month :slight_smile:

2 quid a month here too. I’ll switch to donating in Euros once Brexit is done as dusted as it will obviously be worth a lot more :smiley:

Just spotted that my regular donation never worked properly so have thrown another tenner in the kitty.

Any donations would be greatly appreciated ladies and gents. :slight_smile:

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Good idea, a fiver from me for the OA.

Me too.

Not missing my £2 per month so lets get helping OA’ers :slight_smile:

We could really use your donations to keep this place up and running. :slightly_smiling_face:

Click the donate button top right and help OA out.

Just donated.
You’re doing a great job.


Cant donate more than 9.999.999.99 € :santi:

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Thanks a lot mate, that’s very much appreciated.

I get paid tomorrow so I’ll throw a bit in too, lead by example and all that :slightly_smiling_face:


Just made my donation :slight_smile:

I get paid on Friday and it includes my relocation bonus so I should be able to throw in a few quid!

Out of interest, are these also for future expenses (or plans of doing so) or is it primarily server costs right now?

I’ll add a few Euros in the evening when I’m home.

Basically its our hosting costs which is around £300.00 per year.

Ok :slight_smile:

I’ll get mine in soon guys.

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